Goeke family

Friday, September 26, 2008

Random Pictures

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Drew's first tractor

Drew and pappa with bubby's first tractor.
I think he likes it.
Livy checking out the one she got.
Evend Daddy got one as well.
Not so sure who is more excited here.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Bath Time

Andrew trying to eat the big bird toy
Livy getting ready to bubby don't touch that.
The sink is to small to does this again.
Trying to look just like mommy

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trip to Build a Bear

Ashy hamming it up for the camera
Doesn't look like Liv is having any fun does it?
Elly bug making her puppy.
Liv finishing up her puppy.
The finished product.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Livy and Andrew.....

Livy wasn' t so sure of Andrew the first time she saw him.
Here she is seeing him when he was in the NICU
Home at last!!
First time holding him alone.
Look how big we have gotten.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas with the Bono's

Tayler, Andrew, and Livy. Saying Merry Christmas
Livy saing look Daddy
Making her self pretty.
Tayler smiling for the cameraman.
Andrew and Aunti Tara.

Christmas morning at home

Bubby, mommy and livy. Livy looks excited.
Livy's new doll. Everyone say cheese.
D Daddy say cheese. Livy loved her new camera.
All Andrew wanted to do was eat the paper.
Looks like he has had enough of Christmass for one day.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Morning Nan and Papa came over

Livy checking out her gift
Bubby and Papa talking about what they had for breakfast. Neither one misses to many meals.
Livy with her new outfit. She loved it, because it has barbie on it.
Papa teaching Livy to say Duh!...thanks for that!

No pictures this year of the big Goeke Christmas. Livy was sick so Daddy stayed home with her and Mommy had to work. So we will have pictures of Papa Mike and Nan when they came over Christmas morning.